6 min readJun 17, 2021


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Today, what kind of world would we have if we didn’t have technology? It is necessary for humanity’s survival in a fast-paced world that has become a part of our lives. The latest technologies improve life and work for the better. They contribute to saving lives. It is helping people do tasks more easily and solve many problems at the same time. In times of technological advancement, it is important to emphasize how helpful it is to our lives.

People’s communication, learning, and thinking are influenced by technology. The daily interactions between people are reinforced by it and it helps society function. Society today is heavily dependent on technology. It affects people’s daily lives in both a positive and negative way. The revolution of technology has become a necessary aspect of our day-to-day lives. The Internet and mobile phones are examples. But technological advancements come with a price.

Is technology a boon or a bane?

Technology has influenced our lives with gadgets and applications which are available to use. It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, you use technology to perform any task. Like every coin has two sides, technology has its advantages and disadvantages.

Good Side

As we can see today, the technological revolution has affected several areas including food production, consumerism, industrialization, business, comfort, resource utilization, transportation, education, healthcare, architecture, design, arts, and heritage. It facilitates our social interaction, enabling us to stay connected. Digital media offers some benefits like information access, knowledge expansion, fun learning, and transferrable skills.

Bad Side

On the other hand, it has some bad impacts which are pollution, depletion of resources, stress, social alienation, physical and mental illnesses, materialism, excessive dependency, time wastage, disconnected youth, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and cybercrime.

Where does this new technology come from?

According to some reports, Germany has been the most innovative nation in the world for six straight years, followed by South Korea.

Based on the results of a 2020 survey, here are the top 5 most innovative countries.

· Germany

The German economy is largely dependent on the mechanical and automotive industries. Several companies in the mechanical engineering sector are leading in this field, especially in healthcare and optical devices. It is not easy to copy these products because they are often very unique.

· South Korea

In the country, Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motors, and LG Electronics are among the most important automobile and electronics manufacturers.

· Singapore

Singapore is famous for its open economy in the world. Productivity improvements and value-added manufacturing have played key roles in its rise.

· Switzerland

In terms of its free-market economy, Switzerland is among the most advanced. It is no surprise that the country ranks highly for value-added manufacturing in part because it is home to large pharmaceutical companies.

· Sweden

It is among the highest in the EU that Sweden has a high gross domestic product per capita. Spotify has proven to be a formidable competitor to the biggest US tech giants in its technology sector, where it consistently scores well.

What is Virtual Reality (VR) and what technology is used in it?

In a computerized simulation environment, we can take part in a thing that isn’t happening in front of our eyes but with our minds. We can take part in it virtually anywhere, anytime is called virtual reality.

The main characteristics of virtual reality

Our senses naturally compel us to get involved in a virtual environment because it’s an artificial scene with a lot going on. The key components of virtual reality include:

· Virtual World

Virtual environments are three-dimensional environments that can be viewed through a medium, or through which a person can interact with objects. When the person is responding to the movement, the vision helps to make this possible.

· Immersion

The concept of Virtual Reality Immersion is our ability to become physically present in a world of non-physical representations. The artificial world in which we live occupies our minds.

Using it, the brain is tricked into believing it is somewhere it is not. If at least a few senses are activated, then a virtual world can be perceived as being physically present.

· Sensory Feedback

Virtual reality is an essential part of the experience. A wide range of senses must be simulated for this to work. Vision (eyes), hearing (ears), haptics (touch), and other sensory perceptions are included in this sense.

· Interactivity

A virtual experience must incorporate this feature so that the user can feel comfortable and engaged with the virtual world. In other words, if we experience a sense of immersion in a virtual world where the virtual world responds to our actions in a natural way, we will feel excited about it. We will recognize once our brain has noticed that it’s not responding well or is delayed and that’s when the excitement and the immersion of gaming will vanish.

How Virtual Reality Affects Humans?

Technological advancements enhance our quality of life and make it easier to live. All things a person works with are growing faster. The following are a few of the examples that have led up to the early development of Techno life in our day-to-day lives.

In Medical

By using VR, doctors and patients are fighting against the tough circumstances of patients being in a difficult situation and of doctors who have to deal with them. The amputees are no longer feeling like an amputee because of VR. In this way, phantom pains can be eliminated.

In Education

Schools are giving children a chance to go on field trips through VR by featuring a VR EXPEDITION in their classrooms. Students are using Google Expedition App to manage their Techno lives. Using this app, schools provide their students with the simulated field trip experience in the classroom. Compared to the real trips, this doesn’t take much time and it is not as expensive.

In Games

You can play games as you like with the gaming console top. The game includes jumping, running, fighting, driving a car, and racing. Virtual reality was born out of gaming.

Will technology take over the world soon?

A large number of people have become dependent on technology and find it difficult to live without it. We may become dependent on technology as we use it at home, school, and work. Our phones, social media, and phone calls make it easy to become distracted from our tasks. Also, this results in shorter attention spans and difficulty focusing.

Having access to technology can affect both adults’ and children’s attention and productivity. Technology has now become so integrated into everyday life among the adults that they can pass it down to the young generation. Nowadays, many children know how to use mobile phones before they learn how to read or write. Having Internet access at a young age can lead to easy distractions. It affects both the health and the academic ability of children.

Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) takeover describes an event in which digital programs and robots take control of the planet from us, eventually overpowering them. The human workforce may be entirely replaced by a machine, overrun by an extremely intelligent AI, or retaken by robots.

Which technology should you need to learn in 2021?

Need help finding the skills you need to be successful in tech? Take advantage of future job opportunities by developing the tech skills you need. According to a study by the American Society for Training and Development, technical skills will surpass all other training priorities in companies by 2021.

This list presents 18 tech skills needed in 2021:

1. Machine Learning

2. Programming Languages in General

3. Robotics

4. Mobile Developments

5. Artificial Intelligence

6. Cloud Computing

7. Data Visualization

8. Data Engineering

9. Data Science & Analytics

10. Internet of Things

11. Blockchain

12. Network & Information Security

13. UI/UX Design

14.Extended Reality (Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality)

15. Product Management

16.Quantum Computing

17. Low-code Platforms

18. Salesforce/CRMs

